We specialize in logic board and liquid damage repair and can fix your
Laptop, MacBook, mobile phone , ipad, iphone , tablet , playstation, xbox or
any other electronic gadget that has been deemed unfixable by another repair
*Have a repair shop and are looking to outsource logic board repairs?
We offer discounted repairs to other repair shops, schools, large organizations
and government agencies. — https://applefix.co.nz/contact/
logicboard repair course in New Zealand
Skill development Job Oriented short Training course. In Latest
Gadgets, Smart Mobile Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops, gaming gadget,
Playstation, Xbox Repair Technology.
This course is aimed / focused, to teach you to fix most common repairs
an electronics repair shop could face in a practical working environment. Start your own business or increase your
chances to get job quickly. https://applefix.co.nz/logicboard-repair-course/
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